解析kindle clipping脚本是自己写的,适配stellar主题
以下内容为2020-2023的kindle 截图和摘要
The Long Goodbye (Raymond Chandler)
She was still standing there quietly, close to me, slim and tall in a white dress of some sort. The light from the open door touched the fringe of her hair and made it glow softly.
I opened the windows wide to let out the smell of dust and dinginess that collected in the night and hung in the still air, in the corners of the room, in the slats of the venetian blinds.
She hesitated, but not for long. She gathered up a pair of black gloves and a black suede bag with a gold frame and clasp and walked across into a corner booth and sat down without a word. I sat down across the small table.
Like when Midori first appeared .I LIKE LInda
superhighways. I caught a glimpse of a bright scarf
“I don’t drink, Mr. Wade. As you very well know. I am here for one purpose and I have expressed that purpose.”
“Was this the face that launch’d a thousand ships And burnt the topless towers of Ilium? Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss.” She opened her eyes, grabbed her glass, and winked at me. “You were pretty good in there, chum. Been writing any poetry lately?” “Not very much.” “You can kiss me if you like,” she said coyly.
The house was leaking guests out into the evening air now. Voices were fading, cars were starting, goodbyes were bouncing around like rubber balls. I went to the french windows and out onto a flagged terrace. The ground sloped towards the lake which was as motionless as a sleeping cat. There was a short wooden pier down there with a rowboat tied to it by a white
painter. Towards the far shore, which wasn’t very far, a black waterhen was doing lazy curves, like a skater. They didn’t seem to cause as much as a shallow ripple.
“Sometimes-not often, of course-when I go into a quiet cocktail lounge or the lobby of a good hotel at a dead hour, or along the deck of a liner early in the morning or very late at night, I think I may see him waiting for me in some shadowy corner.” She paused and dropped her eyes. “It’s very silly. I’m ashamed of it. We were very much in love-the wild, mysterious, improbable kind of love that never comes but once.”
Most people go through life using up half their energy trying to protect a dignity they never had.
That’s the difference between crime and business. For business you gotta have capitaL Sometimes I think it’s the only difference.”
snapped. “And don’t call me a cholo. I’m no wetback.
“Keep your voice down,” I said. “He’s gone back to sleep.” “I always knew you would come back,” she said softly. “Even after ten years.” I peered at her. One of us was goofy. “Shut the door,” she said in the same caressing voice. “All these years I have kept myself for you.” I turned and shut the door. It seemed like a good idea at the moment. When I faced her she was already falling towards me. So I caught her. I damn well had to. She pressed herself hard against me and her hair brushed my face. Her mouth came up to be kissed. She was trembling. Her lips opened and her teeth opened and her tongue darted. Then her hands dropped and jerked at something and the robe she was wearing came open and underneath it she was as naked as September Morn but a darn sight less coy.
I got up on my feet and it took character. It took will power. It took a lot out of me, and there wasn’t as much to spare as there once had been. The hard heavy years had worked me over.
“Don’t you even have a secretary?” “It’s a sordid
In our time we have seen a shocking decline in both public and private morals. You can’t expect quality from people whose lives are a subjection to a lack of quality. You can’t have quality with mass production. You don’t want it because it lasts too long. So you substitute styling, which is a commercial swindle intended to produce artificial obsolescence. Mass production couldn’t sell its goods next year unless it made what it sold this year look unfashionable a year from now.
The stretch of broken-paved road from the highway to the curve of the hill was dancing in the noon heat and the scrub that dotted the parched land on both sides of it was flour-white with granite dust by this time. The weedy smell was almost nauseating. A thin hot acrid breeze was blowing. I had my coat off and my sleeves rolled up, but the door was too hot to rest an arm on. A tethered horse dozed wearily under a dump of live oaks. A brown Mexican sat on the ground and ate something out of a newspaper. A tumbleweed rolled lazily across the road and came to rest against a piece of granite outcrop, and a lizard that had been there an instant before disappeared without seeming to move at all.
The glass of coke fizzed unnoticed on the desk in front of him. He read slowly, frowning. When he came to the end he refolded the sheets and ran a finger along the edge.
are eight feet tall and my heroines have callouses
There was plenty of noise. Why that should have
No feelings at all was exactly right. I was as hollow and empty as the spaces between the stars. When I got home I mixed a stiff one and stood by the open window in the living room and sipped it and listened to the groundswell of the traffic on Laurel Canyon Boulevard and looked at the glare of the big angry city hanging over the shoulder of the hills through which the boulevard had been cut. Far off the banshee wail of police or fire sirens rose and fell, never for very long completely silent Twenty.four hours a day somebody is running, somebody else is trying to catch him. Out there in the night of a thousand crimes people were dying, being maimed, cut by flying glass, crushed against steering wheels or under heavy tires. People were being beaten, robbed, strangled,
raped, and murdered. People were hungry, sick; bored, desperate with loneliness or remorse or fear, angry, cruel, feverish, shaken by sobs. A city no worse than others, a city rich and vigorous and full of pride, a city lost and beaten and full of emptiness. It all depends on where you Sit and what your own private score is. I didn’t have one. I didn’t care. I finished the drink and went to bed.
She almost passed me without a glance on the way out, then at the last moment turned her head a couple of inches and nodded very slightly, as if I was somebody she must have met somewhere a long time ago, but couldn’t quite place in her memory.
“My God, I thought Southern California had a dimate,”
of her face hid her expression if she had any. And when she spoke her voice had the lucid emptiness of that mechanical voice on the telephone that tells you the time and if you keep on listening, which people don’t because they have no reason to, it will keep on telling you the passing seconds forever, without the slightest change of inflection.
She lifted her eyes and looked at me vaguely and dropped them again.
The jangle of the telephone dragged me up out of a black well of sleep.
Time makes everything mean and shabby and wrinkled.
Americans will eat anything if it is toasted and held together with a couple of toothpicks and has lettuce sticking
He drifted out of the office like something blown by the wind.
“Getting so I don’t care for the stuff,” he said. “Maybe it’s the TV commercials. They make you hate everything they try to sell. God, they must think the public is a halfwit. Every time some jerk in a white coat with a stethoscope hanging around his neck holds up some toothpaste or a pack of cigarettes or a bottle of beer or a mouthwash or a jar of shampoo or a little box of something that -makes a fat wrestler smell like mountain lilac I always make a note never to buy any.
Let us leave it at that. Like Ophelia in that great dramatic masterpiece called Hamlet, by the immortal William Shakespeare, Eileen Wade wore her rue with a difference.
A man was sitting across the room with his legs
crossed and a gun resting sideways on his thigh. He looked rangy and tough and his skin had that dried-out look of people who live in sun-bleached cilmates. He was wearing a dark brown gabardine-type windbreaker and the zipper was open almost to his waist. He was looking at me and neither his eyes nor the gun moved. He was as calm as an adobe wall in the moonlight.
“Touch me with one finger and I’ll kill you,” Ohls said. “One finger.” Then he dropped his hands.
He shoved his taut face at me. “I hate gamblers,” he said in a rough voice. “I hate them the way I hate dope pushers. They pander to a disease that is every bit as corrupting as. dope. You think those palaces in Reno and Vegas are just for harmless fun? Nuts, they’re there for the little guy, the something-for-nothing sucker, the lad that stops off with his pay envelope in his pocket
and loses the week-end grocery money. The rich gambler loses forty grand and laughs it off and comes back for more. But the rich gambler don’t make the big racket, pal. The big steal is in dimes and quarters and half dollars and once in a while a buck or even a five-spot. The big racket money comes in like water from the pipe in your bathroom, a steady stream that never stops flowing. Any time anybody wants to knock off a professional gambler, that’s for me. I like it. And any time a state government takes money from gambling and calls it taxes, that government is helping to keep the mobs in business. The barber or the beauty parlor girl puts two bucks on the nose. That’s for the Syndicate, that’s what really makes the profits. The people want an honest police force, do they? What for? To protect the guys with courtesy cards? We got legal horse tracks in this state, we got them all year round. They operate honest and the state gets its cut, and
for every dollar laid at the track there’s fifty laid with the bookies. There’s eight or nine races on a card and in half of them, the little ones nobody notices, the fix can be in any time somebody says so. There’s only one way a jock can win a race, but there’s twenty ways he can lose one, with a steward at every eighth pole watching, and not able to do a damn thing about it if the jock knows his stuff. That’s legal gambling, pal, clean honest business, state approved. So it’s right, is it? Not by my book, it ain’t. Because it’s gambling and it breeds gamblers and when you add it up there’s one kind of gambling-the wrong kind.”
I told her and she hung up and I put the porch light on and then stood in the open door inhaling the night. It had got much cooler.
To say goodbye is to die a little.
That is, honor does not move sidewise like a crab, seсor.”
He reached up and took the dark glasses off. Nobody can change the color of a man’s eyes. “I suppose it’s a bit too early for a gimlet,” he said.
《灵山》+《一个人的圣经》 (高行健)
他就这样弄成了一个两面派,不得不套上个面具,出门便带上,像雨天打伞一样。回到屋里,关上房门,无人看见,方才摘下,好透透气。要不这面具戴久了,附在脸上,同原先的皮肉和颜面神经长在一起,那时再摘,可就揭不下来了。顺便说一下,这种病例还比比皆是。 他的真实面貌只是在他日后终于能摘除面具之时,但要摘下这面具也是很不容易的,那久久贴住面具的脸皮和颜面神经已变得僵硬,得费很大气力才能嘻笑或做个鬼脸。 他生来大概就是个造反派,只是没有明确的目的,没有宗旨,没有主义,不过出于自卫的本能,后来才明白那造反也落在人的指挥棒下,已经晚了。 他从此没了理想,也不指望人家费脑筋替他去想,既酬谢不了,又怕再上当。他也不再空想,也就不用花言巧语骗人骗己。现今,对人对事都已
Lord Jim & Nostromo (Joseph Conrad)
reminds us of a Hobbesian verity: that for the sake of our own preservation, we are all natural cowards—it is only necessity and social pressure that make us brave.
动物凶猛(2015版) (王朔作品精选) (王朔)
胡兰成经典作品集(今生今世+山河岁月+禅是一枝花)(最完整简体版)(套装共3册) (胡兰成)
二十亿光年的孤独 ([日]谷川俊太郎)
因为买不起希望有人送 我会写很多诗报答 犰狳11也可以搭上 即便在家里迷路 也还有谷歌地图 换个话题,你是谁?
Brave New World (Aldous Huxley)
And in effect the sultry darkness into which the students now followed him was visible and crimson, like the darkness of closed eyes on a summer’s afternoon.
He waved his hand; and it was as though, with an invisible feather whisk, he had brushed away a little dust, and the dust was Harappa, was Ur of the Chaldees; some spider-webs, and they were Thebes and Babylon and Cnossos and Mycenae. Whisk, whisk – and where was Odysseus, where was Job, where were Jupiter and Gotama and Jesus? Whisk – and those specks of antique dirt called Athens and Rome, Jerusalem and the Middle Kingdom – all were gone. Whisk – the place where Italy had been was empty. Whisk, the cathedrals; whisk, whisk, King Lear and the Thoughts of Pascal. Whisk, Passion; whisk, Requiem; whisk, Symphony; whisk . . .
‘Extremes,’ said the Controller, ‘meet. For the good reason that they were made to meet.’
No wonder those poor pre-moderns were mad and wicked and miserable. Their world didn’t allow them to take things easily, didn’t allow them to be sane, virtuous, happy. What with mothers and lovers, what with the prohibitions they were not conditioned to obey, what with the temptations and the lonely remorses, what with all the diseases and the endless isolating pain, what with the uncertainties and the poverty – they were forced to feel strongly. And feeling strongly (and strongly, what was more, in solitude, in hopelessly individual isolation), how could they be stable?
everyone belongs to everyone else.’
Sixty-two thousand four hundred repetitions make one truth.
Ending is better than mending,
or if ever by some unlucky chance such a crevice of time should yawn in the solid substance of their distractions, there is always soma, delicious soma, half a gramme for a half-holiday, a gramme for a weekend, two grammes for a trip to the gorgeous East, three for a dark eternity on the moon; returning whence they find themselves on the other side of the crevice, safe on the solid ground of daily
Bernard stood watching the retreating twinkle of the white stockings, the sunburnt knees vivaciously bending and unbending, again, again, and the softer rolling of those
well-fitted corduroy shorts beneath the bottle-green jacket.
He remembered those weeks of timid indecision, during which he had looked and longed and despaired of ever having the courage to ask her.
A physical shortcoming could produce a kind of mental excess. The process, it seemed, was reversible. Mental excess could produce, for its own purposes, the voluntary blindness
and deafness of deliberate solitude, the artificial impotence of asceticism.
What is there more important to say? And how can one be violent about the sort of things one’s expected to write about? Words can be like X-rays, if you use them properly – they’ll go through anything. You read and you’re pierced. That’s
one of the things I try to teach my students – how to write piercingly. But what on earth’s the good of being pierced by an article about a Community Sing, or the latest improvement in scent organs? Besides, can you make words really piercing – you know, like the very hardest X-rays – when you’re writing about that sort of thing? Can you say something about nothing? That’s what it finally boils down to. I try and I try . . .’
He was justifying himself. ‘If you knew what I’d had to put up with recently,’ he said almost tearfully – and the uprush of his self-pity was like a fountain suddenly released. ‘If you only knew!’
‘Poor little Bernard!’ he said to himself. But at the same time he felt rather ashamed for his friend. He wished Bernard would show a little more pride.
BY EIGHT O’CLOCK the light was failing.
But Henry’s tone was almost, for a moment, melancholy. ‘Do you know what that switchback was?’ he said. ‘It was some human being finally and definitely disappearing. Going up in a squirt of hot gas. It would be curious to know who it was – a man or a woman, an Alpha or an Epsilon . . .’ He sighed. Then, in a resolutely cheerful voice, ‘Anyhow,’ he concluded, ‘there’s one thing we can be certain of; whoever he may have been, he was happy when he was alive. Everybody’s happy now.’
The sexophones wailed like melodious cats under the moon, moaned in the alto and tenor registers as though the little death were upon them. Rich with a wealth of harmonics, their tremulous chorus mounted towards a climax, louder and ever louder – until at last, with a wave of his hand, the conductor let loose the final shattering note of ether-music and blew the sixteen merely human blowers clean out of existence. Thunder in A flat major. And then, in all but silence, in all but darkness, there followed a gradual deturgescence, a diminuendo sliding gradually, through quarter tones, down, down to a faintly whispered dominant chord that lingered on (while the
flushed, the inner light of universal benevolence
The loving cup had made its circuit. Lifting his hand, the President gave a signal; the chorus broke out into the Third Solidarity Hymn. Feel how the Greater Being comes! Rejoice and, in rejoicing, die! Melt in the music of the drums! For I am you and you are I.
for to be excited is still to be unsatisfied.
alone even in Morgana’s embrace
‘I’d rather be myself,’ he said. ‘Myself and nasty. Not somebody else, however jolly.’
She was appalled by the rushing emptiness of the night, by the black foam-flecked water heaving beneath them, by the pale face of the moon, so haggard and distracted among the hastening clouds. ‘Let’s turn on the radio. Quick!’
Looooooooooool,such is man
For answer, he lifted one hand from the controls and, slipping his arm round her, began to fondle her breasts. ‘Thank Ford,’ she said to herself, ‘he’s all right again.’
She looked up with a certain anxiety. ‘But you don’t think I’m too plump, do you?’ He shook his head. Like so much meat. ‘You think I’m all right.’ Another nod. ‘In every way?’ ‘Perfect,’ he said aloud. And inwardly, ‘She thinks of herself that way. She doesn’t mind being meat.’
‘Never put off till tomorrow the fun you can have today,’ she
‘When the individual feels, the community reels,’ Lenina pronounced.
as the Director – and to commit so gross a solecism!
Lenina was quite offended. ‘Of course I can
Uphill and down, across the deserts of salt or sand, through forests, into the violet depth of canyons, over crag and peak and table-topped mesa, the fence marched on and on, irresistibly the straight line, the geometrical symbol of triumphant human purpose. And
The toothless mouth had fallen in.
with a ladder emerging from the lower darkness.
Shutting her eyes she abandoned herself to their soft repeated thunder, allowed it to invade her consciousness more and more completely, till at last there was nothing left in the world but the one deep pulse of sound. It reminded her reassuringly of the synthetic noises made at Solidarity Services and Ford’s Day celebrations.
contemplated the bright remembered image. ‘And
The greater a man’s talents, the greater his power to lead astray.
She flung the obscenity like a challenge into the outraged silence;
Her high spirits overflowed in song. ‘Hug me till you drug me, honey; Kiss me till I’m in a coma: Hug me, honey, snuggly bunny; Love’s as good as soma.’’
The scent organ was playing a delightfully refreshing Herbal Capriccio – rippling arpeggios of thyme and lavender, of rosemary, basil, myrtle, tarragon;
the last stereoscopic kiss faded into darkness, the last electric titillation died on the lips like a dying moth that quivers, quivers ever more feebly, ever more faintly, and at last is quite, quite still.
crowd towards the lifts, its ghost still fluttered against her lips, still traced fine shuddering roads of anxiety and pleasure across her skin. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes dewily bright, her breath came deeply. She caught hold of the Savage’s arm and pressed it, limp, against her side. He looked down at her for a moment, pale, pained, desiring, and ashamed of his desire.
But once you began admitting explanations in terms of purpose – well, you didn’t know what the result might be. In was the sort of idea that might easily recondition the more unsettled minds among the higher castes – make them lose their faith in happiness as the Sovereign Good and take to believing, instead, that the goal was somewhere beyond, somewhere outside the present human
sphere; that the purpose of life was not the maintenance of well-being, but some intensification and refining of consciousness, some enlargement of knowledge. Which was, the Controller reflected, quite possibly true. But not, in the present circumstances, admissible.
One of the principal functions of a friend is to suffer (in a milder and symbolic form) the punishments that we should like, but are unable, to inflict upon our enemies.
Henry detected the weariness in those purple eyes, the pallor beneath that glaze of lupus, the sadness at the corners of the unsmiling crimson mouth.
‘A doctor a day keeps the jim-jams away,’
Her eyes were tenderly reproachful.
one hairless and freckled moon haloed in orange, the other a thin, beaked bird-mask, stubbly with two days’ beard, turned angrily towards him.
‘Ford helps those who help themselves.’
‘But that’s the price we have to pay for stability. You’ve got to choose between happiness and what people used to call high art.
‘They mean themselves, they mean a lot of agreeable sensations to the audience.’
But that requires the most enormous ingenuity. You’re making flivvers out of the absolute minimum of steel – works of art out of practically nothing but pure sensation.’
‘Of course it does. Actual happiness always looks pretty squalid in comparison with the over-compensations for misery. And, of course, stability isn’t nearly so spectacular as instability. And being contented has none of the glamour of a good fight against misfortune, none of the picturesqueness of a struggle with temptation, or a fatal overthrow by passion or doubt. Happiness is never grand.’
‘goes through life inside a bottle. But if we happen to be Alphas, our bottles are, relatively speaking, enormous.
‘The optimum population,’ said Mustapha Mond, ‘is modelled on the iceberg – eight-ninths below the water line, one-ninth above.’ ‘And they’re happy below the water line?’
‘Awful? They don’t find it so. On the contrary, they like it. It’s light, it’s childishly simple. No strain on the mind or the muscles. Seven and a half hours of mild, unexhausting labour, and then the soma ration and games and unrestricted copulation and the feelies. What more can they ask for? True,’ he added, ‘they might ask for shorter hours. And of course we could give them shorter hours. Technically, it would be perfectly simple to reduce all lower-caste working hours to three or four a day. But would they be any the happier for that? No, they wouldn’t. The experiment was tried, more than a century and a half ago. The whole of Ireland was put on to the four-hour day. What was the result? Unrest and a large increase in the consumption of soma; that was all. Those three and a half hours of extra leisure were so far from being a source of happiness, that people felt constrained to take a holiday from them. The Inventions Office is stuffed with
plans for labour-saving processes. Thousands of them,’ Mustapha Mond made a lavish gesture. ‘And why don’t we put them into execution? For the sake of the labourers; it would be sheer cruelty to afflict them with excessive leisure. It’s the same with agriculture. We could synthesize every morsel of food, if we wanted to. But we don’t. We prefer to keep a third of the population on the land. For their own sakes – because it takes longer to get food out of the land than out of a factory. Besides, we have our stability to think of. We don’t want to change. Every change is a menace to stability. That’s another reason why we’re so chary of applying new inventions. Every discovery in pure science is potentially subversive; even science must sometimes be treated as a possible enemy. Yes, even science.’
‘Yes; but what sort of science?’ asked Mustapha Mond sarcastically. ‘You’ve had no scientific training, so you can’t judge. I was a
pretty good physicist in my time. Too good – good enough to realize that all our science is just a cookery book, with an orthodox theory of cooking that nobody’s allowed to question, and a list of recipes that mustn’t be added to except by special permission from the head cook. I’m the head cook now. But I was an inquisitive young scullion once. I started doing a bit of cooking on my own. Unorthodox cooking, illicit cooking. A bit of real science, in fact.’
he’d understand that his punishment is really a reward. He’s being sent to an island. That’s to say, he’s being sent to a place where he’ll meet the most interesting set of men and women to be found anywhere in the world. All the people who, for one reason or another, have got too self-consciously individual to fit into community-life. All the people who aren’t satisfied with orthodoxy, who’ve got independent ideas of their own. Everyone, in a word, who’s anyone. I almost envy you, Mr Watson.’
‘Well, duty’s duty. One can’t consult one’s own preferences. I’m interested in truth, I like science. But truth’s a menace, science is a public danger. As dangerous as it’s been beneficent. It has given us the stablest equilibrium in history. China’s was hopelessly insecure by comparison; even the primitive matriarchies weren’t steadier than we are. Thanks, I repeat, to science. But we can’t allow science to undo its own good work. That’s why we so carefully limit the scope of its researches – that’s why I almost got sent to an island. We don’t allow it to deal with any but the most immediate problems of the moment. All other enquiries are most sedulously discouraged. It’s curious,’
‘to read what people in the time of Our Ford used to write about scientific progress. They seemed to have
imagined that it could be allowed to go on indefinitely, regardless of everything else. Knowledge was the highest good, truth the supreme value; all the rest was secondary and subordinate. True, ideas were beginning to change even then. Our Ford himself did a great deal to shift the emphasis from truth and beauty to comfort and happiness. Mass production demanded the shift. Universal happiness keeps the wheels steadily turning; truth and beauty can’t. And, of course, whenever the masses seized political power, then it was happiness rather than truth and beauty that mattered. Still, in spite of everything, unrestricted scientific research was still permitted. People still went on talking about truth and beauty as though they were the sovereign goods. Right up to the time of the Nine Years’ War. That made them change their tune all right. What’s the point of truth or beauty or knowledge when anthrax bombs are popping all around you? That was when science first began to be controlled – after the
Nine Years’ War. People were ready to have even their appetites controlled then. Anything for a quiet life. We’ve gone on controlling ever since. It hasn’t been very good for truth, of course. But it’s been very good for happiness. One can’t have something for nothing. Happiness has got to be paid for. You’re paying for it, Mr Watson – paying because you happen to be too much interested in beauty. I was too much interested in truth; I paid too.’
These may think it a great thing to have everything, as they suppose, their own way – to depend on no one – to have to think of nothing out of sight, to be without the irksomeness of continual
acknowledgement, continual prayer, continual reference of what they do to the will of another. But as time goes on, they, as all men, will find that independence was not made for man – that it is an unnatural state – will do for a while, but will not carry us on safely to the end …”‘
People believe in God because they’ve been conditioned to believe in God.’
As a happy, hardworking, goods-consuming citizen he’s perfect.
‘civilization has absolutely no need of nobility or heroism. These things are symptoms of political inefficiency.
you’re so conditioned that you can’t help doing what you ought to do. And what you ought to do is on the whole so pleasant, so many of the natural impulses are allowed free play, that there really aren’t any temptations to resist.
hitting himself with a whip of knotted cords. His back was horizontally streaked with crimson, and from weal to weal ran thin trickles of blood.
Three days later, like turkey buzzards settling on a corpse, the reporters came.
But oh, oh, her arms round his neck, the lifting of her breasts, her mouth! Eternity was in our lips and eyes. Lenina . . . No, no, no, no!
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death.
like swine about the trough.
The Communist regime in Russia and the Nazi takeover of Germany both began as Utopian visions.
人生的智慧:如何才能幸福度过一生(全新无删节插图珍藏版,中国作家榜官方推荐译本!) (阿图尔·叔本华;木云;林求是)
37 则同意我的观点。他说:“一个富有的女人,习惯运用金钱,会明智而审慎地花钱;但一个在婚礼上才首次掌握经济大权的女人却渴望花钱,常常一掷千金导致挥霍浪费。”(《约翰逊的一生》)以防万一,我奉劝那些娶了贫穷女孩儿的人们,不要把本金留给她们,只给她们一份年金即可,还要特别注意不要把孩子该继承的财产交给她们打理。
大萝卜和难挑的鳄梨 (村上春树)
魔鬼搭讪学:瞬间与陌生人成为朋友 (成杰)
(1)3秒钟原则。3秒钟之内开口,不然你可能永远失去开口的勇气或者机会。 (2)废话原则。很多人总是想着几时开口,如何开口,但就是不开口。等他想好台词,良机也过去了,勇气也没有了。事实证明,最笨的方法往往是最有效的方法。一句“今天天气不错”看起来很笨,甚至令你也感到尴尬,但是往往对方看到你尴尬,反而会找一些跟你聊,免得你尴尬。其实,只要打破原有的沉默、原有的气氛就好。重要的不是说什么话,而是要打破沉默! (3)灵活原则。说什么不是最重要的,重要的是对方的反应。所以,你说的一切,都要随着对方的反应而变化。 (4)示弱原则。这有很明显的好处,即对方容易放下对你的防备。比如问路,招数好像很旧了,但是为什么还是那么好用呢?就是因为它是示弱的一种方式,对方感觉自己处于强势,自然就不会过于防备。 (5)显示高价值原则。这个步骤是不能省的!假如你没有显示高价值,那么成功要到对方联系方式的概率是很低的。这个需要你在谈话的过程中,懂得抓住对方的需求点,然后再根据对方的需求点显示自己的高价值。 (6)自我透露原则。还有,先把自己介绍出去,这一点也是很重要的。在交往的过程中,适当地作自我透露。就算对方好像不想理你,你自顾自地说就是了。其实,对方是在听的,只是不好马上就和你聊而已。所以,懂得巧妙地显示高价值很重要。另外,名片也很有帮助,这个在这里就不详述了。
三万年前的星空 (谷川俊太郎)
存在于与这个现实的不同次元 宛如岩浆 在熔炉中似梦非梦 把人种、宗教、制度、思想、幻想和 种种混在一起变成大杂烩 等待那神秘的第一声啼哭
Brave New World Revisited (Huxley, Aldous)
It is a pretty safe bet that, twenty years from now, all the world’s over-populated and underdeveloped countries will be under some form of totalitarian rule-probably by the Communist party.
And along with a decline of average healthiness there may well go a decline in average intelligence.
Power Elite directly employs several millions of the country’s working force in its factories, offices and stores, controls many millions more by lending them the money to buy its products, and, through its ownership of the media of mass communication, influences the thoughts, the feelings and the actions of virtually everybody.
To parody the words of Winston Churchill, never have so many been manipulated so much by so few.
Here is the answer to this question given by a philosopher-psychiatrist, Dr. Erich Fromm: Our contemporary Western society, in spite of its material, intellectual and political progress, is increasingly less conducive to mental health, and tends to undermine the inner security, happiness, reason and the capacity for love in the individual; it tends to turn him into an automaton who pays for his human failure with increasing mental sickness, and with despair hidden under a frantic drive for work and so-called pleasure.
It seeks to explain the endlessly diverse phenomena of nature by ignoring the uniqueness of particular events, concentrating on what they have in common
and finally abstracting some kind of “law,” in terms of which they make sense and can be effectively dealt with.
For the moment, however, the wish to resist does not seem to be very strong or very widespread. As Mr. William Whyte has shown in his remarkable book, The Organization Man, a new Social Ethic is replacing our traditional ethical system-the system in which the individual is primary. The key words in this Social Ethic are “adjustment,” “adaptation,” “socially orientated behavior,” “belongingness,” “acquisition of social skills,” “team work,” “group living,” “group loyalty,” “group dynamics,” “group thinking,” “group creativity.” Its basic assumption is that the social whole has greater worth and significance than its individual parts, that inborn biological differences should be sacrificed to cultural uniformity, that the rights of the collectivity take precedence over what the eighteenth century called the Rights of Man. According to the Social Ethic, Jesus was completely wrong in asserting that the Sabbath was made for man. On the contrary, man was made for the Sabbath, and must
sacrifice his inherited idiosyncrasies and pretend to be the kind of standardized good mixer that organizers of group activity regard as ideal for their purposes. This ideal man is the man who displays “dynamic conformity” (delicious phrase!) and an intense loyalty to the group, an unflagging desire to subordinate himself, to belong. And the ideal man must have an ideal wife, highly gregarious, infinitely adaptable and not merely resigned to the fact that her husband’s first loyalty is to the Corporation, but actively loyal on her own account. “He for God only,” as Milton said of Adam and Eve, “she for God in him.” And in one important respect the wife of the ideal organization man is a good deal worse off than our First Mother. She and Adam were permitted by the Lord to be completely uninhibited in the matter of “youthful dalliance.” Nor turned, I ween, Adam from his fair spouse, nor Eve the rites Mysterious
Today, according to a writer in the Harvard Business Review, the wife of the man who is trying to live up to the ideal proposed by the Social Ethic, “must not demand too much of her husband’s time and interest. Because of his single-minded concentration on his job, even his sexual activity must be relegated to a secondary place.” The monk makes vows of poverty, obedience and chastity. The organization man is allowed to be rich, but promises obedience (“he accepts authority without resentment, he looks up to his superiors” — Mussolini ha sempre ragione) and he must be prepared, for the greater glory of the organization that employs him, to forswear even conjugal love. It is worth remarking that, in 1984, the members of the Party are compelled to conform to a sexual ethic of more than Puritan severity. In Brave New World, on the other hand, all are permitted to indulge their sexual impulses without let or hindrance. The
But in the immediate future there is some reason to believe that the punitive methods of 1984 will give place to the reinforcements and manipulations of Brave New World.
He knew by bitter experience that the freedom of the press can be shamefully abused. “Nothing,” he declared, “can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper.”
Mass communication, in a word, is neither good nor bad; it is simply a force and, like any other force, it can be used either well or ill.
In their propaganda today’s dictators rely for the most part on repetition, suppression and rationalization — the repetition of catchwords which they wish to be accepted as true, the suppression of facts which they wish to be
ignored, the arousal and rationalization of passions which may be used in the interests of the Party or the State. As the art and science of manipulation come to be better understood, the dictators of the future will doubtless learn to combine these techniques with the non-stop distractions which, in the West, are now threatening to drown in a sea of irrelevance the rational propaganda essential to the maintenance of individual liberty and the survival of democratic institutions.
the unqualified assertions and sweeping generalizations which are the propagandist’s stock in trade. “All effective propaganda,”
These stereotyped formulas must be constantly repeated, for “only constant repetition will finally succeed in imprinting an idea upon the memory of a
“systems of dogma without empirical foundations, such as scholasticism, Marxism and fascism, have the advantage of producing a great deal of social coherence among their disciples.”
There are no grays in his picture of the world; everything is either diabolically black or celestially white. In
In all the world’s higher religions, salvation and enlightenment are for individuals. The kingdom of heaven is within the mind of a person, not within the collective mindlessness of a crowd. Christ promised to be present where two or three are gathered together.
Marching is the indispensable magic stroke performed in order to accustom the people to a mechanical, quasi-ritualistic activity until it becomes second nature.”
On the levels of politics and theology, beauty is perfectly compatible with nonsense and tyranny. Which is very fortunate; for if beauty were incompatible with nonsense and tyranny, there would be precious little art in the world. The masterpieces of painting, sculpture and architecture were produced as religious or political propaganda, for the greater glory of a
Under the new dispensation, political principles and plans for specific action have come to lose most of their importance. The personality of the candidate and the way he is projected by the advertising experts are the things that really matter.
Turning once again to Pavlov, he learns that, on their way to the point of final breakdown, dogs become more than normally suggestible. New behavior patterns can easily be installed while the dog is at or near the limit of its cerebral endurance, and these new behavior patterns seem to be ineradicable.
During the day, he wrote, “man’s will power revolts with highest energy against any attempt at being forced under another’s will and another’s opinion. In the evening, however, they succumb more easily to the dominating force of a stronger will.”
expulsion to a term in a forced labor camp or even liquidation.
Religion, Karl Marx declared, is the opium of the people.
For what is now merely science fiction will have become everyday political fact.
“History is not yet a science, and can only be made to seem scientific by falsifications and omissions.”
inaugurated immediately. Indeed it might have
第二性(合卷本) (西蒙娜·德·波伏瓦作品系列) (西蒙娜·德·波伏瓦 (Simone de Beauvoir))
某些品质,”亚里士多德 (6) 这样说。“
巫言 (朱天文)
Ulysses (James Joyce)
Epi oinopa ponton. Ah,
—You said, Stephen answered, O, it’s only Dedalus
—And what is death, he asked, your mother’s or yours or my own? You saw only your mother die. I see them pop off every day in the Mater and Richmond and cut up into tripes in the dissectingroom. It’s a beastly thing and nothing else. It simply doesn’t matter. You wouldn’t kneel down to pray for your mother on her deathbed when she asked you. Why? Because you have the cursed jesuit strain in you, only it’s injected the wrong way. To me it’s all a mockery and beastly. Her cerebral lobes are not functioning. She calls the doctor sir Peter Teazle and picks buttercups off the quilt. Humour her till it’s over. You crossed her last wish in death and yet you sulk with me because I don’t whinge like some hired mute from Lalouette’s. Absurd! I suppose I did say it. I didn’t mean to offend the memory of your mother.
击壤歌 (朱天心)
浮生六记(全本全译全注插图珍藏版,2017全新诗人译本)(作家榜推荐) (沈复)
你好,忧愁 ((法)弗朗索瓦丝·萨冈)
还有她婊子的责任?我说。 我不喜欢听粗话,即使是反意。安娜说。 不过这不是反意。她像大家一样结婚,或是出于意愿,或是因为要这么做。她有了一个孩子。您知道孩子是怎么来的? 大概没有您来得正当。安娜讽刺道,”不过我也知道一些基本的事情。” 因此她抚养了这个孩子。她成许避免了遍好的不安和烦恼。她和成千上万的妇女达一样的生活,她为此而自豪,这您是懂得的。地处于一个年轻而平庸的妻子与母亲的地位。她并未做什么事以摆脱这种地位。她以没有做这事,没有做那事,没有完成什么事为荣。 这没有什么大意思。父亲说。 这是那些一事不做却爱吹嘘的人的镜子!我叫道,”有些人吹嘘’我尽了义务’是因为他们什么也没干。要是她出生在被女阶层,当了妓女,那么在这一点上,她或许还有点价值。” 您有一些时髦的观点,不过它们没什么价值。
像人家那样小心翼翼地扣着扳机,努力找到一个人,然后马上松掉扳机,击中了!这种情况我并不熟悉,我总是过于冲动。即使我伤害什么人,也总是出于疏忽大意。人的反应这种神奇的机制,语言的力量,我忽然一下全看到了……要是使用说谎这种办法会令人多么遗憾。 有一天,我将热烈地爱上某人,我将寻找一条道路,也是这样小心翼翼、不声不响、手颤抖着朝他走去……
我从桌上抓起一支卷烟,擦了一根火柴。火柴熄了,我又小心地擦了第二根。没有风,只是我的手在颤抖。这根火柴刚碰到烟,马上也炼了。我小声骂了一句,又抽出第三根。于是,也不知为什么,在我看来,这根火柴具有生死攸关的重要性。也许是安娜突然一扫漠不关心的状态,板着脸,关切地望着我。这时,时间、背景,一切都消失了,只剩下这根火柴、拈着火柴的手指、灰火柴盒和安娜的目光。我神慌意乱,心怦怦在跳。我的手指一使劲,火柴擦燃了,于是我迫不及待地把脸凑过去,烟卷压在火上,把它压灭了。我闭上眼睛松开手,让火柴盒掉在地上。安娜严厉的审问般的目光射在我身上。我真愿意乞求什么人干点什么事,只要这种等待终止。安娜的手抬起我的脸。我闭紧眼皮,怕她看见我的眼睛。我感到疲倦的、笨拙的、快乐的泪水流了出来。于是,她以一个不明底细的、平静的动作,把手从我的脸上移下来,放开了我,似乎放弃了所有的问题。接着,她把一支烟点燃塞进我嘴里,又埋头看起书来。 我赋予这种动作一种象征意义。我尽力这样做。不过,今天,当我没有擦燃一根火柴时,我就回想这个奇怪的时刻,回想起我的动作,我本人与安娜的严峻的目光的距离,以及那个空旷的周围,那种紧张的空旷……
我觉得自己毫不在乎,轻松愉快。 我像约好的那样在松树林里找到了西利尔。我告诉他必须干的事情。他又钦佩又恐惧地听我说着。接着,他把我搂在怀里。可是时间已晚,我得回去了。与他分开之难叫我吃惊。 如果他要寻找一些纽带把我留住,那么他找到了。我的肉体认出了他,也认出了自己,它紧贴着他的肉体,幸福万分。我热烈地拥吻他。我想吻痛地,给他打上烙印,好让他晚上时刻记着我,夜里梦见我。因为没有他,没有紧贴着我的他,没有他灵活的动作,没有他突然的疯狂,没有他久久的抚摸,夜将漫无尽头。
今早……他开始道。 你住嘴。我说,”喂!你住嘴……” 他把我轻轻地扳倒在防雨篷上。我们汗流使背,身子滑溜溜的,又笨拙,又迫切。小船在我们身下有规律地晃荡着。我望着正当头顶的太阳。突然,耳畔响起了西利尔急切而多情的低身…太阳从天空脱落了,爆炸了,朝我砸下来……我在哪儿呀?在海底,在时间深处,在快乐的深处……我大声呼唤西利尔,他不回答,他不需要回答我。
魔山(译文名著文库) (托马斯·曼 (Thomas Mann))
青春咖啡馆 ((法)帕特里克·莫迪亚诺 / Patrick Modiano)
To the Lighthouse (Virginia Woolf)
‘she saw the colour burning on a framework of steel; the light of a butterfly’s wing lying upon the
arches of a cathedral’
逃避自由 ([美]E.弗洛姆)
The Discomfort of Evening (Marieke Lucas Rijneveld)
roaming and you never keep them still like
and even now when I looked at a clock the arms would still sometimes turn into the earthworms we dug out of the ground behind the cowshed with a fork to use as fishing bait. They wriggled every which way when you held them between forefinger and thumb and didn’t calm down until you gave them a couple of taps, and then they’d lie in your hand and look just like those sweet, red strawberry shoelaces from Van Luik’s sweet-shop.
Obbe had once joked that Jesus’ body was made of cheese, too, and that was why we were only allowed two slices on our bread each day, otherwise we’d run out of Him too quickly.
of the road, wrapped in an orange tarpaulin.
were covered in a thin layer of dried manure.
The warm ammonia smell of the rabbits seeps
covered by a lampshade. With or without floral
the slogan ‘liberté, égalité, fraternité’
‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. God’s plans are your plans.’
I don’t want to go to God but to myself.
The bench creaks beneath my belly like black ice. I don’t want to be rescued now, I want to sink. Deeper and deeper until breathing starts to become difficult. In the meantime I chew the frog sweets into tiny bits, taste the gelatine, the reassurance of sweetness. Hanna’s right: we have to get away from this village, away from the cows, away from death, away from life in its original form.
hair still damp from the swimming pool. No one asks how anything went; they just announce – when they think of them – the things we have to do, and forget to find out what happens next. They don’t want to know if and how I got out of the hole. I’m still alive, and that’s the only thing they pay attention to. That we get up every day, however slowly, is enough proof for them that we’re doing all right. The three kings continue to heave themselves onto our camels, even though the saddles disappeared long ago and
Everything here is a maths sum: respect equals four sugar lumps and a shot of condensed milk.
I lie on my back in the lavender. Please let the day wait so that I don’t have to go to school, long enough for the grass in the fields to be dry enough to make hay, long enough for the dampness in me to slowly subside.
says, ‘as long as she doesn’t start blubbering.’
Everything that requires secrecy here is accepted in silence.
before pulling our heads into our pyjama tops like snails in search of protection.
Then we’ll float away together on a lily-pad, and maybe, only maybe, I’ll even dare to take off my coat. Even though it will feel uncomfortable for a while, but according to the pastor, discomfort is good. In discomfort we are real.’
I squatted down next to the hedgehog sadly and whispered, ‘Lord have mercy on us and be near. We are united in this place to say
farewell to Hedgehog, who was so mercilessly taken from us. We return this broken life and lay it in Thy hands. Receive Hedgehog and grant him the peace he could not find. Be to all of us a merciful and loving God so that we may live with death. Amen.’ After that, I picked a few handfuls of grass and laid them over the hedgehog. I didn’t look back as I cycled away.
think she’s worried the milk customer would go off without any milk but with Dad instead.
Better to give temptation free rein, I decide.
‘What’s a whore?’ I ask. ‘A woman farmer.’
mustn’t forget. There’s a stethoscope
I watch Obbe take a can of Coke and begin to shake it around wildly. Then he holds the can to her slit and forces her legs as wide open as possible, affording me a view of the pinkish flesh. He shakes the can a few more times then holds it as close as possible to the opening. Suddenly he opens the ring pull and the Coke squirts in a straight line into her flesh. Hanna’s hips jerk, she cries out. But what I see in her eyes when I take away my hand in shock is not something I know. Not pain but more like peace. She giggles. Obbe shakes a second can and repeats the procedure. Hanna’s eyes grow bigger, her lips press damply against my palm, she moans quietly. ‘Does it hurt?’ ‘No, it feels nice.’
want to run away and stay at the same time. I want to sink and I want to stay afloat. A snowy landscape appears around me.
The End Of The Affair (Vintage Classics) (Greene, Graham)
It was strange to see Henry out on such a night: he liked his comfort and after all—or
To me comfort is like the wrong memory at the wrong place or time:
The Collected Poems (Sylvia Plath)
brave love, dream not of staunching such strict flame, but come, lean to my wound; burn on, burn on.
My head on the pillow (Piano, pianissimo)
Fisted to a foetus head, ravined,
所有男人都是消耗品 (村上龙作品集) (村上龙(Murakami Ryu))
雌性具有离开停止进化的家伙扬长而去的习性,因为这个缘故,人类才能发展到现在这个模样。 女人在任何时候都不会是坏的。 这恐怕正是她们的可爱之处。
寄物柜婴儿 (村上龙作品集) (村上龙(Murakami Ryu))
“鳄鱼国在什么地方?” “在我嘴里,幽暗而柔软的舌头下面。” “是吗?让我看看。”阿菊说着将阿莲莫莲抱在膝盖上,伸出两个手指掰开她的嘴。湿漉漉的头发触到腿上,感觉有些痒。阿菊用手指抓住阿莲莫莲的舌头。“哪儿是鳄鱼神仙?”说着将自己的脸贴近她。阿莲莫莲咯咯地笑着,随即转动舌头咬住阿菊的手指。她吐出舌头,一把抓住阿菊的头发,舔了一下他的耳朵,随即将舌头伸进他的耳朵,低声耳语道:“鳄鱼国和我都需要你。” 阿桥小时候在自己的周围撑开一张薄膜,以便躲到里面封闭自己,只有阿菊能穿过那个薄膜,那是一张令人愉悦的薄膜,阿桥在密封的薄膜里为阿菊唱歌。阿菊将阿莲莫莲湿滑的舌头按在自己的腹部,他想:阿莲莫莲就是那个空气薄膜,湿乎乎、凉簌簌地不停颤动。
青蛙嘴里流出绿色的液体,下田扭头不敢继续看下去。松山将青蛙从麦克风那里移开。 “阿桥,你的歌确实唱得很棒,你能巧妙操纵音质,创造出一种特殊的气氛,不对,并不是创造出气氛,而是形成一种真空状态,在听众的脑海里打开一个没有气压的空洞。听你歌的人会感到一种如同白日做梦的陶醉,那是因为那个空洞吸入了人的所有记忆,你作为这一类歌手算是超一流的,你的歌声可以钻入听众的脑海抚摸他们的神经,和毒品一样。不过,要想支配观众,将他们推向高潮,光靠毒品不够,需要炸弹。观众需要炸弹将沉浸在毒品里的白日梦炸飞,无论下田怎么拼命打鼓,我怎么加大吉他的音量,北见吹破萨克斯管,都没用,你的歌声太细弱了,你的极强音域还没有达到喊叫的程度,你的歌声简直就是婴儿的哭声。”
The Big Sleep (Raymond Chandler)
“I’m not crazy about yours,” I said. I didn’t ask to see you. You sent for me. I don’t mind your ritzing me or drinking your lunch out of a Scotch bottle. I don’t mind your showing me your legs. They’re very swell legs and it’s a pleasure to make their acquaintance. I don’t mind if you don’t like my manners. They’re pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings. But don’t waste your time trying to cross-examine me.”
something told me to wait. Another army of sluggish
Another army of sluggish minutes dragged by.
A bell rang faintly, light through the rain, a closing door, silence.
She had a beautiful body, small, lithe, compact,
鱼没有脚【2017年布克国际奖提名作品!诺贝尔文学奖候选人、冰岛桂冠诗人和小说家约恩·卡尔曼·斯特凡松的文学力作!像《白鲸》、《老人与海》等文学经典一般让人满意!】 (约恩·卡尔曼·斯特凡松)
饥饿的女儿(食的饥饿,爱的饥饿,性的饥饿,一个民族的动荡岁月。 5000,000册畅销书,荣获意大利年度“罗马文学奖”,台湾《联合报》读书人奖。) (虹影)
索拉里斯星 (斯坦尼斯瓦夫·莱姆)
《黑暗的左手》三部曲(《黑暗的左手》《失去一切的人》《世界的词语是森林》) (厄休拉·勒古恩)
菲利普迪克科幻短篇小说集(套装共5册) (菲利普?迪克)
“基皮就是没用的东西,垃圾邮件啊,空火柴盒啊,口香糖包装纸啊,昨天的报纸啊。周围没人的时候,基皮就会自我繁殖。比如,如果你睡前在房间里留了些基皮,第二天醒来就会发现基皮增加了一倍。基皮总是会越变越多。” “我明白了。”女孩迟疑地盯着他,不知该不该相信他,一时无法确定他是不是在开玩笑。 “这就是基皮第一定律,”他说,“‘基皮驱逐非基皮’。就像格拉舍姆的劣币驱逐良币定律。那些空房间里头,没有活人在抵抗基皮。
77 Dream Songs (John Berryman)
over there? The restaurant buzzes.
Love, Death + Robots: The Official Anthology : Volume One (Love, Death and Robots) (Tim Miller;Alastair Reynolds;Claudine Griggs;Joe Lansdale;John Scalzi;Ken Liu;Marko Kloos;Peter F. Hamilton)
“But unless you ignore that suggestion now and then, won’t your whole life become a set of predictable responses?”
But on one occasion, for one reason or another, you were persuaded to choose white – against the judgement of the AM – and it was wonderful. Everything came together magically: the company, the conversation, the late afternoon ambience, the splendid view, the euphoric rush of being slightly drunk. A perfect afternoon turned into a perfect evening.”
“No. It would latch on to that one exception and attach undue significance to it. It would amplify the attractive parts of the memory of that afternoon and suppress the less pleasant parts: the fly that kept buzzing in your face, your anxiety about catching the boat home and the birthday present you knew you had to buy in the morning. All you’d remember was that golden glow of well-being. The next time, you might well choose white, and the time after. An entire pattern of behaviour would have been altered by one instance of deviation. The AM would never tolerate that. You’d have to go against its advice many, many times before it grudgingly updated its model and started suggesting white rather than red.”
Zima was right: I’d allowed my life to become scripted, laid out like a blueprint. It was always red wine with sunsets, never the white. Aboard the outbound lightbreaker a clinic installed a set of neural memory extensions that should serve me well for the next four or five hundred years. One day I’ll need another solution, but I’ll cross that particular mnemonic bridge
孙频痛感三部曲(疼+盐+裂)套装共3册 (孙频)
欲望的演化:人类的择偶策略:最新修订版 (戴维·巴斯)
消费社会 (当代学术棱镜译丛) (张一兵)
工作、消费主义和新穷人 ((英)齐格蒙特·鲍曼)
在“大量减少”穷人的过程中,工作伦理的贡献是无价的。毕竟,工作伦理主张:无论生活多么悲惨,只要它是由劳动报酬支撑的,就具有道德优越性。有了这样的道德准则,满怀善意的改革者可以宣布,社会向无收入者提供的援助应当符合“最小化原则”(principle of less eligibility),并认为这个原则是向更人道的社会迈出的重要一步。
制造消费者 (安东尼·加卢佐)
homme nouveau)是一种能从集体和集体所暗示的必要的从属关系中解放出来的存在。他们的矛头不再指向有产阶级本身,而是指向一种压抑人性的资产阶级心态——它体现为将压抑内在化的清教主义。为了实现内心的解放,他们提倡与人们心中根深蒂固的压迫制度作斗争。与资本作斗争,就是与异化作斗争,就是与最原始的人类本真重新建立联系。这种新兴的政治意识形态以治疗和自我为中心,希望通过愉悦、想象、享受活动来改变自己,而这些活动实际上也是压抑制度的一部分。
砂女 (安部公房(Abe Kobo))
二手时间 ((白俄)阿列克谢耶维奇)
南方高速(《百年孤独》作者的文学偶像,马尔克斯、聂鲁达、萨拉马戈、莫言、略萨5位诺奖得主推崇!安东尼奥尼、王家卫爱重!) (胡里奥·科塔萨尔)
爱的艺术 (〔美〕弗洛姆)
人类简史:从动物到上帝(图文精编版) (开放历史系列) (Yuval Noah Harari)
我们认为下面这些真理是不言而喻的:人人演化各有不同,出生就有某些可变的特性,其中包括生命和追求快感。 上面这段推论过程,如果是平等权和人权的激进分子看到可能会大发雷霆,大声驳斥:“我们知道人在生物学上不相等!但是如果大家都相信人人在本质上平等,就能创造出一个稳定繁荣的社会。”这点我完全赞成,但这正是我所说“由想象所建构的秩序”。我们相信某种秩序,并非因为它是客观的现实,而是因为相信它可以让人提升合作效率、打造更美好的社会。这种由想象所建构的秩序绝非邪恶的阴谋或是无用的空谈,而是唯一能让大群人类合作的救命仙丹。但也别忘了,汉谟拉比也可以用同样的逻辑来捍卫他的阶级原则:“我知道所谓上等人、平民和奴隶在本质上其实并没有什么不同。但如果我们这么相信,就能创造出一个稳定繁荣的社会。” 真正的坚信者 很多读者读到上面这一节,可能都觉得如鲠在喉。毕竟那就是我们中的多数人今天所接受的教育。我们说《汉谟拉比法典》是虚构故事,并不会觉得难以接受,但说到人权也只是虚构的故事,听来就有些刺耳。如果大家都发现人权不过是种想象,岂不是社会就要崩溃了吗?讲到“神”的概念,伏尔泰就曾说:“世界上本来就没有神,但可别告诉我的仆人,免得他半夜偷偷把我宰了。”汉谟拉比对于阶级原则、美国国父杰斐逊对于人权,应该也都会说出一样的话。智人并没有什么与生俱来的权利,就像蜘蛛、鬣狗和黑猩猩也都是如此。但可别告诉我们的仆人,免得它们半夜偷偷把我们宰了。 这种担心其实很有道理。自然界的秩序是稳定不变的,就算人类不再相信世界上有重力,重力也不会一夜之间就消失。但相反的是,想象所建构出来的秩序总是有一夕崩溃的风险,因为这些秩序背后靠的都是虚构的故事,只要人们不再相信,一切就风云变色。为了维持想象建构出来的秩序,必须持续投入大量心
Bartholomew’s Day Massacre),短短24小时间,就有5000到10000个新教徒遭到屠杀。消息从法国传到古罗马的天主教教皇耳里,叫他满心欢喜,立刻安排举行庆典,还委托瓦萨里(Giorgio Vasari)在梵蒂冈的一个房间里将这场大屠杀绘成壁画作为纪念(目前这个房间禁止游客参观)。65不过24小时,基督徒自相残杀的人数,就已经超过了整个古罗马帝国曾经杀害的基督徒人数。
- 愿意承认自己的无知。现代科学的基础就是拉丁文前缀“ignoramus-”,意为“我们不知道”。从这种立场,我们承认了自己并非无所不知。更重要的是,我们也愿意在知识进展之后,承认过去相信的可能是错的。于是,再也没有什么概念、想法或理论是神圣不可挑战的。 2. 以观察和数学为中心。承认无知之后,现代科学还希望能获得新知。方式则是通过收集各种观察值,再用数学工具整理连接,形成全面的理论。 3. 取得新能力。光是创造理论,对现代科学来说还不够。它希望能够运用这些理论来取得新的能力,特别是发展出新的科技。
Seal of the Prophets,意为所有先知到此为终结)。于是,所有的启示当然也就是到了穆罕默德为止,再也没什么重要的了。
Bernoulli)的大数法则(Law of Large Numbers)。伯努利认为,虽然某些单一事件(例如某个人死亡)难以准确预测,但只要有了许多类似事件,用平均结果来预测就能相去不远。
Malthus)所建立]。接着,人口统计学又成了达尔文(他也差点儿成了英国圣公会的牧师)建立演化论的基础。虽然没有公式能够预测某种条件下什么样的生物可能演化,但遗传学家还是能够利用概率计算,了解某个特定族群产生特定突变的可能性。这样的概率模型已经成了经济学、社会学、心理学、政治学和其他社会科学及自然科学的基础。就算是物理学,最后牛顿的经典公式也加入了量子力学的概率云(probability cloud)概念。
当代学术棱镜译丛:色情 (乔治·巴塔耶)
蛤蟆的油 (黑泽明)
我问他什么时候,他说那是我进了京华中学、他上了京华商业学校之后两校比赛的时候。我说那次我没参加,他却固执地认为:“你不参加就算我胜了,胜利就是胜利。” 总而言之,这位风流小生自不量力,实在拿他没办法。
辛波斯卡诗选三部曲(套装共3册) (维斯拉瓦·辛波斯卡)
但在她的世界几乎全都健在, 在我的世界则几乎无一幸存 于同样的生活圈。 我们如此迥异, 谈论和思考的事情截然不同。 她几近无知—— 却坚守更高的目标。 我远比她见多识广—— 却充满疑虑。 她给我看她写的诗, 字迹清晰工整, 我已封笔多年。
可对,可对。噪音的护送部队穿过森林。 可对,可对。夜里醒来我听见 可对,可对,寂静碰撞寂静的声音。
他们在榛树丛中做爱 在一颗颗露珠的小太阳下, 他们的发上沾满 木屑碎枝草叶。 燕子的心啊 怜悯他们吧。 他们在湖边跪下, 拨掉发间的泥和叶, 鱼群游到水边, 银河般闪闪发光。 燕子的心啊 怜悯他们吧。 雾气从粼粼水波间 倒映的群树升起。 噢燕子,让此记忆 永远铭刻。 噢燕子,云朵聚成的荆棘, 大气之锚, 改良版的伊卡鲁斯, 着燕尾服的圣母升天, 噢燕子,书法家, 不受时间限制的秒针, 早期的鸟类哥特式建筑, 天际的一只斜眼, 噢燕子,带刺的沉默, 充满喜悦的丧章, 恋人们头上的光环, 怜悯他们吧。
全都是我的,但无一为我所有, 无一为记忆所有, 只有在注视时属于我。 女神的雕像重现脑海,立刻又怀疑 她们的头配错了躯干。 属于萨莫科夫镇[1]的,除了雨水 还是雨水。 巴黎,从卢浮宫到指甲, 被一层白翳所笼罩。 圣马丁林荫大道:阶梯虽在 然通向乌有。 多桥的列宁格勒 只不过一座半座桥。 可怜的乌普萨拉[2], 大教堂没落成碎片。 索非亚[3]命运多舛的舞者, 一具没有脸孔的躯体。 分离——他的脸没有了眼睛, 分离——他的眼睛没有了瞳孔, 分离——猫的瞳孔。 高加索的老鹰翱翔 于复制的大峡谷上方, 掺了杂质的金色阳光 与伪造的石头。 全都是我的,但无一为我所有, 无一为记忆所有, 只有在注视时属于我。 无数,无穷, 但一丝一毫皆各有其特色, 沙粒,水滴 ——风景。 我无法鲜明真切地记住 一片叶子的轮廓。 问候与道别 在匆匆一瞥间。 过与不及, 脖子的一次转动。
当个拳击手,要不然就根本 不要到场。啊缪斯,蜂拥而至的群众在哪里? 大厅里有十二个人,还有八个空位—— 这场艺文活动可以开始了。 有一半的人是因为躲雨才进来, 其余都是亲属。噢,缪斯。 在场的女士们喜欢呐喊狂吼, 不过那只适合拳击赛。在这儿她们得行为检点。 但丁的地狱如今是台前的座位。 他的天堂亦然。噢,缪斯。 啊,当不成拳击手而成了诗人, 一个被判终生苦学雪莱的人, 因为肌肉无力,只好向世界展示 或许有幸收入中学书单上的 十四行诗。噢,缪斯, 噢短尾天使,珀加索斯[5]。 在第一排,有位和蔼的老人轻声打鼾: 他梦见妻子又活了过来,并且 像往常一样为他烘焙水果馅饼。 火光熊熊,但她小心翼翼——怕烤焦了他的饼!—— 我们开始朗读。噢,缪斯。 [5]珀加索斯(Pegasus),希腊神话中的神马,是灵感的象征。
被书写的母鹿穿过被书写的森林奔向何方? 是到复写纸般复印她那温驯小嘴的 被书写的水边饮水吗? 她为何抬起头来,听到了什么声音吗? 她用向真理借来的四只脆弱的腿平衡着身子, 在我手指下方竖起耳朵。 寂静——这个词也沙沙作响行过纸张 并且分开 “森林”这个词所萌生的枝桠。 埋伏在白纸上方伺机而跃的 是那些随意组合的字母, 团团相围的句子, 使之欲逃无路。 一滴墨水里包藏着为数甚夥的 猎人,眯着眼睛, 准备扑向倾斜的笔, 包围母鹿,瞄准好他们的枪。 他们忘了这并非真实人生。 另有法令,白纸黑字,统领此地。 一瞬间可以随我所愿尽情延续, 可以,如果我愿意,切分成许多微小的永恒, 布满暂停飞行的子弹。 除非我发号施令,这里永不会有事情发生。 没有叶子会违背我的旨意飘落, 没有草叶敢在蹄的句点下自行弯身。 那么是否真有这么一个 由我统治、唯我独尊的世界? 真有让我以符号的锁链捆住的时间? 真有永远听命于我的存在? 写作的喜悦。 保存的力量。 人类之手的复仇。
decollo的意思是我砍断脖子。 苏格兰皇后玛丽·斯图亚特 穿着得体的连身衣裙走上断头台。 她的衣衫袒胸露肩 红似喷溅的鲜血。
女性贫困【上海译文出品!NHK录制组一手资料大公开!继《穷忙族》后再次追击“女性看不见的贫困”,是什么在啃食年轻女性的未来?】 (译文纪实) (日本NHK特别节目录制组合)
冈田:所以你才停止(自杀)了吗? 阳子:从那以后我就觉得天无绝人之路吧。 冈田:那你不能去他那里吗? 阳子:我也不认识他啊!只是听过声音、发过文字而已。 阳子摘下眼镜,一边擦着眼泪一边说道。
流溪 (林棹)
——打赌你想不到。千禧年,空间坍缩,时间获救。纯粹、纯粹的时间!匀净的、无水黄油般的时间。时间覆没大地,微醺的水手点时成金,成快箭、利剑,成蹦1K的裸女、独角兽、洞穴和焰火、坟莹和荒骨、海床与方舟。大气能见度高时,你能望见魔市高悬于碧蓝天宇:一抹苍白映像,核雕般精细,如同银色月球盛气凌人的姊妹,与真实世界平行,幅员是人类文明的总和。 魔市的物理形式是电线、大小不一的盒子、一种压 扁的魔法水晶球和一块符文托盘(每个符文字块背面都偷装了弹簧),其入口则是爱丽丝的兔子洞、连通纳尼亚的苹果木衣橱和野比家的二十二世纪抽屉。千千万万根走火入魔的手指踏着符文跳舞,疇里啪啦,嘛里啪啦,然后手指们发现自己已经置身匿名之神的无垠封地。